System Maintenance Tools

The System Maintenance Tools are provided for Enterprise admins to perform specialized activities directly (and only) from the servers hosting Pyramid services. There are 2 functions:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication Token Clearance: this is a fail safe for enterprise admins to clear their own MFA tokens in the event theirs are lost or corrupted.
  • Repository Database Password Reset: Re-key and encrypt a new database password for the database repository in the even it is changed.

Given the sensitive nature of these functions, direct access to the host servers should be carefully guarded and monitored - to ensure only authorized admins have access to these tools.

Accessing Maintenance Tools

The tools are located in the following directory:


{install directory}\core\maintenance\run.bat


{install directory}/core/maintenance/

Once the tool is launched, you need to:

  • Provide the currently recorded password for the database (even if you plan to change it).
  • Provide the username of an enterprise admin in Pyramid
  • Provide the user's password

Without these items the tools are inoperable.

Clearing the MFA Token

  • Choose "2" from the menu
  • Supply the name of a user
  • ENTER to apply the change

The affected user should fully logout of the app. Alternatively, revoke all their sessions form the admin.

Re-keying the Database Password

  • Choose "1" from the menu
  • Supply the new password
  • ENTER to apply the change

All services need to be recycled to access the new password.